Computer Magic
Software Design Just For You

Archive for June, 2006

Special Webhosting Offer for Netbunch and Webhostplus customers!

Wednesday, June 7th, 2006

Are the techs at your web hosting company absent? Check out or limited time offer for customers who are unhappy with their current hosting compnay. 50% off Web Hosting for the first year for customers unhappy with their current hosting service Ray Pulsipher Owner Computer Magic And Software Design

Special Webhosting Offer for Netbunch and Webhostplus customers!

Wednesday, June 7th, 2006

Special Web Hosting Offer! As a former NetBunch (WebHostPlus) customer, I understand the frustration and heartache that you are going through. The considerable down time and effort spent just to get minor things fixed was one of the motivating factors for us to offer our own web hosting services. Since offering web hosting services, I […]

PHP – Object References Vs. Object Copies (Pass by reference or pass by copy)

Friday, June 2nd, 2006

An important concept in programming is pointers. Even though we don’t directly use them in most modern languages the way we used to (think C/C++) they still come back to haunt us. In many modern languages they are referred to as references. References aren’t quite pointers, but they do resemble them enough to illustrate the […]

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