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Archive for the 'MySQL' Category

Intro to Relational Databases

Monday, December 28th, 2009

A database is just a series of one or more tables. Each table is a separate and distinct entity. What makes a database “relational” is the ability to define relationships between one table and another. In some db systems (mssql), you can actually tell the system that there is a relationship. In others (mysql) you […]

Dynamic data layout with vertical tables

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Developers today are faced with poorly defined requests and constantly changing requirements. It is not uncommon for a developer to spend countless meetings and design sessions getting the database and object layout just right, only to have the client request just one more field when the first beta application is delivered. That one more field […]

InnoDB Corruption common in MySQL

Thursday, November 6th, 2008

I am now recovering corrupt InnoDB files in MySQL for the 6th time in the last year. Not a good sign considering all the press I have seen about how InnoDB should be default storage engine in MySQL and how superior it is with its added features such as transactions. First let me give a […]

Slow connections to MySQL Server

Thursday, November 2nd, 2006

I have an app that connects to a MySQL Server on a different box. Only one connection is created and it is held for the duration of the app. The minimal time it takes to connect to the database server is not that important so while it bothered me, the 2-5 seconds it took to […]

PHP Tutorial – Lesson 13 Looping, looping, looping, looping, looping, looping, looping, looping…

Friday, February 17th, 2006

There are 4 main concepts that you have to understand inside and out to be a good programmer. Variables Arrays Choices (if statements) Looping We have talked about variables (those named containers where we can store information) and we have talked about choices. We have also touched on arrays (remember $_GET and $_POST?). Remember arrays […]

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