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Archive for the 'ASP.NET' Category

Call Of Duty 4 Web Page Server Manager

Friday, March 6th, 2009

This was a fun project. I wanted to be able to be able to manage my cod4 game server without all the rcon commands. Also, my friends should be able to restart the server or add bots even if I am not playing. Lastly, I didn’t want to give up security of my server to […]

TinyMCE and Ajax Update Panels

Friday, July 6th, 2007

For those of you who want to embed a WYSIWIG HTML editor in your web pages, check out TinyMCE. It is a great editor, very customizable. I recently tried to put the TinyMCE editor into a project that was using Update Panels from the Microsoft Ajax library (previously called Atlas). The TinyMCE editor is a […]

ASP .NET 2005 – Image Columns in the DataGridView Control

Wednesday, December 13th, 2006

The first thing I noticed about the newer visual studio (2005) was that many of the automated tools (such as databinding) now worked. This doesn’t mean that it always works flawlessly, but that you can generally make it work. There are enough events and places you can hook into (not to mention writing your own […]

AJAX for .NET – Don’t use Prototype…

Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

I have been using the Prototype AJAX library for a little while now to add AJAX capabilities to my PHP web applications. It works great! It works so great in fact that I tried to use it in an ASP.NET2005 project recently. After figuring out that my CSS and Theme support could thank the Prototype […]

The Report Viewer and Filters on your Binding Source.

Tuesday, March 21st, 2006

It is suprising how much information is on the net, and how little there is regarding your particular problem. For my particular problem, I could find no easy examples on how to make a binding source apply a filter when using the ReportViewer control in .NET 2005. It just didn’t work! Once I got back […]

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