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Archive for the 'Boot Linux from USB Hard drive' Category

Make a boot to USB boot disk

Thursday, December 22nd, 2005

The instructions here are specific to RedHat Fedora Core 2. I will try to note differences between FC2 and later releases. In general, the steps should be the same as those for other releases (Mandrake, etc.) mkbootdisk A cool little utility. This will generate a boot disk for your system. This is great because it […]

Installing Linux to a USB drive

Thursday, December 22nd, 2005

First thing is to get Linux installed to the USB drive. The USB drive (again, can be any type of USB device that shows up as a drive in My Computer when plugged in) needs to have enough space for the install that you are requesting. For Red Hat Linux, we try to do a […]

Boot To USB Background

Thursday, December 22nd, 2005

Ever look for clear information on how to do something in Linux? Some times information can be a bit difficult to decode. Here is a bit of background on what this project encompased. As the instructor of the IT 190 Into to Linux class at Peninsula College, one of the biggest hurdles to overcome is […]

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