Archive for the 'PHP Class' Category
Saturday, April 25th, 2009
Developers today are faced with poorly defined requests and constantly changing requirements. It is not uncommon for a developer to spend countless meetings and design sessions getting the database and object layout just right, only to have the client request just one more field when the first beta application is delivered. That one more field […]
Posted in CMTK, Database, MySQL, PHP, PHP Class, Products | Comments Off on Dynamic data layout with vertical tables
Friday, June 2nd, 2006
An important concept in programming is pointers. Even though we don’t directly use them in most modern languages the way we used to (think C/C++) they still come back to haunt us. In many modern languages they are referred to as references. References aren’t quite pointers, but they do resemble them enough to illustrate the […]
Posted in PHP, PHP Class, Uncategorized | Comments Off on PHP – Object References Vs. Object Copies (Pass by reference or pass by copy)
Friday, February 17th, 2006
There are 4 main concepts that you have to understand inside and out to be a good programmer. Variables Arrays Choices (if statements) Looping We have talked about variables (those named containers where we can store information) and we have talked about choices. We have also touched on arrays (remember $_GET and $_POST?). Remember arrays […]
Posted in Database, MySQL, PHP Class | Comments Off on PHP Tutorial – Lesson 13 Looping, looping, looping, looping, looping, looping, looping, looping…
Monday, February 13th, 2006
This is both the easiest and most difficult of the four SQL statements. The SELECT statement. We have covered putting data in the database (INSERT), removing data (DELETE), and changing data that already exists (UPDATE). Aside from the INSERT statement, which simply jams data into a table, you append a WHERE clause onto your statements […]
Posted in Database, MySQL, PHP Class | Comments Off on PHP Tutorial – Lesson 12 Hello!? Are you there?! – Using the SELECT statement
Tuesday, January 31st, 2006
The next of the big four SQL statements that you need to master on this long and bumpy road is the DELETE statement. At some point, a customer will leave, or an item will permanently go out of stock or some other reason will pop up where you will need to remove data that is […]
Posted in Database, MySQL, PHP Class | Comments Off on PHP Tutorial – Lesson 11 Just make it go away! – Using the DELETE statement