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Archive for the 'Tech Rambling' Category

CASPOL is your friend – do you trust me?

Monday, February 27th, 2006

Here is a nice tid bit of information. A feature added to the .NET framework called CAS (Code Access Security) was designed to allow you to run .NET code in a sandboxed environment (much like running Java applications in the Virtual Machine). Java applets (Java programs embedded into a web page) by default can not […]

JSON – Another AJAX?

Monday, January 30th, 2006

Here is an interesting article on JSON ( It has some great examples of what JSON really is and how it works. Before we go any further though, we should spend some time discussing what exactly AJAX and JSON are. AJAX is simply a new way of thinking in the JavaScript programming realm. In the […]

There is no substitute for quality service.

Thursday, January 26th, 2006

Since starting in this business many years ago, one thing has been the key to my success. Good communication with a smile. So many times we as techs get lost in our acronyms and the technical details that non techs get lost in the conversation. The ability to communicate effectively with the rest of the […]

ASP.NET 2.0 – New deployment issues

Monday, December 19th, 2005

Today I deployed my first ASP.NET 2.0 application. The new copy file interface in Visual Studio 2005 is nice, but confused me at first as there is now a publish interface in addition to the copy interface. While both seem to work just fine, neither one seems to be smart enough to push dependant objects […]

More enhacements to wp-mail.php

Tuesday, December 13th, 2005

Well, its time to start another day. Your day can’t be all bad if you can add some features to a product before work begins. How about some new enhancements to the wp-mail.php file in the wordpress software? One feature that was missing was the ability to specify a category for your e-mailed post to […]

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